
Optiver wins Financial Football ’15

Optiver wins footballCongrats to Optiver for winning the Financial Football tournament last Saturday, on a bright sunny day in Abcoude. As always the tournament was smoothly organized by Bennington. Also as usual, the teams from Eurex (Frankfurt and London) and EEX (Leipzig) were the main contenders for the title.

Eurex UK runner up in the final

Eurex UK was the runner up in the final this year. The full scoreboard can be found here. It used to be the realtime feed from the pitch. That’s why the scoreboard is (still) updating every 30 seconds. The full scores reveal some teams have been missing this edition (Scrocca, Flow, Binck, TOM). Hope they will join again next edition. More game reports from the organization here.

The game is rigged?

According to the Bull, it was the second time for Optiver to win the title. They were listed as winners of the 2003 edition. However, the tournament was first played in 2004. I bet Hunsader sees this as a confirmation of HFT firms not playing by the rules (the game is rigged!).

Small correction in history

Investigations have revealed a small mistake has been made when the trophy was introduced. Optiver actually won in 2004 instead of IMC. The plate on the bull has been changed. So, as far as we know this is the correct list of past winners.

2010323 Trading
2009KBC Bank
2006Market Wizards
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