Posts tagged as: degiro

TOM shuts down stock venue

3 comments / February 20, 2015

TOM has announced to shut down it’s stock trading venue. In a short statement, strange enough only available in Dutch, it claims the market share of retail stock orders is only between 10% and  20% of all shares traded. And with a market share of 1% in this segment, it’s a loss making operation. SoRead more

Problems DeGiro in Sweden

26 comments / February 15, 2015

My earlier post on some negative sides of the new broker DeGiro, 9 things I hate about DeGiro, has drawn a lot of visitors. DeGiro kept on expanding to almost every European country – and by doing so all new customers ended up over here (hi). Even gave some interviews to newspapers in Poland andRead more

Bear case for Binck

20 comments / February 7, 2015

Monday February 9th 2015 the online broker Binck will open the books. The first earnings report after a quarter full of misery. Quite a few figures to check. The consensus is their profit will drop a lot compared to last year’s fourth quarter. I’ve bought a few dozen puts this week. Count on them toRead more

Flash boy Binck ignores law of holes

54 comments / December 16, 2014

Somehow Binck reminds me of Van der Moolen in their last months. A listed company and a board which seems to have lost touch with reality. That’s nice when writing a kind of financial blog. Expected a quiet December, but voila : Binck. Time to get the popcorn. SOR functioning poorly Contender DeGiro showed credibleRead more
