Posts tagged as: Van der Moolen

Sinking ship Van Der Moolen

205 comments / August 10, 2009

Most commenters haven’t been very optimistic on Van der Moolen’s chance of survival, and neither has this website in general. Can’t remember writing anything positive on VDM (don’t blame me for that). But every trader in Amsterdam will share the feeling a true icon from the past is gone. However, the company used to beRead more

Traders leaving Van der Moolen

60 comments / August 2, 2009

The Financieele Dagblad this weekend opened with a story on the frontpage of traders leaving the firm in vast numbers. A third of the derivative traders left the company in Amsterdam as a cut in their bonus deal wasn’t acceptable for them. Their London office saw ten traders leaving the firm two months ago forRead more

Van der Moolen puzzles again

45 comments / July 16, 2009

Van der Moolen serves as an easy target to make fun of. The listed trading firm has to inform the public on every bad move it makes. Today was another fine example. For unknown reasons the charming Hans Kroon decided not to join the board. A topic for speculation. Then the financial markets watchdog AFMRead more

Employees wanted at trading firms

37 comments / July 14, 2009

Several Dutch market makers are desperately looking for traders and it-personnel. To achieve this they have joined forces and the Holland Financial Centre will launch a campaign to attract new talent. They will visit universities and… secondary schools. Let’s hope the newspaper FD misquoted the chairman Sjoerd van Keulen, because I honestly wouldn’t know whyRead more

Rumour round up

14 comments / June 4, 2009

Most interesting market rumours leave room for a lot of imagination, but won’t fill an entire post – decided to mix everything together. AFS verus Phanos The board of the most prominent Dutch broker has been sacked by the main shareholder. FC Utrecht’s shirt sponsor and real estate company Phanos decided to get rid ofRead more
